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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Great News for Real Estate Agents

March 4, 2009

Fannie Instructs Its Services Not to Cut Commissions on Short Sales
On February 24, 2009, Fannie Mae sent Announcement 09-03 to its servicers
instructing them not to negotiate commissions on short sales below the amount
negotiated by the listing agent (unless the commission exceeds 6 percent). The
requirement took effect March 1ST, 2009. Fannie Mae recognizes that;

(a) negotiating commissions for short sales is unfair because getting a short
sale to closing requires intensive work over many months, often requiring working
with numerous buyers, and

(b) compensating real estate agents fairly benefits Fannie Mae because agents play
a crucial role in short sales.

The Announcement reminds services that third party approvals (i.e., private mortgage
insurers) may be required and can affect commissions. NAR has asked both Fannie Mae
and Freddie Mac to strengthen their policies against reducing short sales commissions,
welcomes Fannie's announcement, and has urged Freddie to follow Fannie's lead.

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